Your Solution for Non‑Destructive Asset Integrity Testing

Your Solution for Non‑Destructive Asset Integrity Testing

Pro Integrity NDT® provides first-in-class non-destructive testing to Canadian companies that need to ensure the quality and performance of their industrial assets. We offer both regular scheduled inspection and emergency response service.

Our Services

We provide over 12 Essential Pipeline Integrity Testing Solutions

Spark Testing

Spark Testing

Knowing exactly what your pipe is made of, and the exact percentage of those elements, can be critical‍

HandySCAN 3D Laser Scanning

HandySCAN 3D Laser Scanning

A fast and accurate inspection solution for surface damage assessment‍

HydroFORM2 Scanner

HydroFORM2 Scanner

Advanced Ultrasonic Testing‍

Phased Array

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) is an advanced method of ultrasonic testing‍

In-service Welding Inspection

In-service welding inspection is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface and near-surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials.

Pipeline Integrity Services

Pipeline integrity services is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface and near-surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials.


Ultrasonics is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface and near-surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials.

Magnetic Particle Inspection

Magnetic particle inspection is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface and near-surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials.

Asset Integrity Testing

Asset integrity testing is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface and near-surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials.

Hardness Testing

Hardness testing is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface and near-surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials.

Liquid Penetrant Inspection

Liquid penetrant inspection is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface-breaking flaws in non-porous materials.

QA / QC technical services

QA / QC technical services is a non-destructive testing method used to detect surface and near-surface flaws in ferromagnetic materials.

News and Articles

HandyScan Laser Scanner: A Powerful Tool for Detecting External Pipeline Defects

January 13, 2025

NDTPipeline Integrity

External pipeline defects, like corrosion, dents, and cracks, can lead to costly repairs and potential safety hazards if not caught early. The HandyScan laser scanner offers a highly efficient solution, delivering precise, real-time 3D scans that make inspecting external pipeline defects faster and more accurate than traditional methods.

How to Choose the Right NDT Service

January 12, 2025

NDTPipeline Integrity

Selecting the right Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) service is essential for ensuring the safety and integrity of industrial assets. Whether you’re in construction, oil and gas, aerospace, or manufacturing, the effectiveness of your inspection’s hinges on the quality of the chosen team. Here’s a guide to help you make an informed choice.

Pro Integrity NDT® is committed to the health and safety of all employees, contractors, clients, and the public

All Pro Integrity NDT® employees and contractors are responsible for obeying all safety rules, following recommended safe work procedures, wearing and using personal protective equipment when required, participating in safety training programs and informing supervisors of any unsafe work conditions. Do not participate in any activities you deem unsafe; you have the right to refuse unsafe work. You are not expected to sacrifice the safety or well-being of personnel for expediency or any other reason.

Our obligation to safety and quality

Alberta Government Partnership in Injury Reduction Certified

Partnership in Injury Reduction Certified

Alberta Construction Safety Association Certified

Associate Membership

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